
Het Internationaal Incassohandboek

Debt Collection Handbook

  • Argentinië,
  • Australië,
  • Landbouw,
  • Automotive/Transport,

11 okt 2021

Handbook magazine

Het International Debt Collections Handbook is een belangrijk naslagwerk voor ondernemingen. Het helpt u de juiste keuzes te maken als u moet incasseren in het buitenland.


Bekijk informatie over minnelijke en gerechtelijke incasso wereldwijd met Atradius Collections Publicaties, inclusief het Internationaal Incassohandboek, Global Collections Review en het Industry Trends Report.

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    Payment Practices Barometer Taiwan 2016


    • Taiwan
    • Landbouw,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    19 okt 2016

    91% of respondents in Taiwan (88% at regional level) reported late payment of invoices by domestic and foreign B2B customers over the past year.

    Trade successfully with China 2016

    Succesvol handelen met

    • China
    • Landbouw,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    12 okt 2016

    China is a major economic and trading power. Trade successfully with China sets out ten simple-to-follow rules that can help make your trading relationships with China lasting and successful.

    Trade successfully with China webinar

    Succesvol handelen met

    • China
    • Landbouw,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    12 okt 2016

    On 15 November 2016, Atradius Credit Insurance hosted a webinar that looked at the opportunities available for trade with China and how to safely transact your business.

    Market Monitor Steel China 2016

    Market Monitor

    • China
    • Metaal,
    • Staal

    29 sep 2016

    Overcapacity remains the main challenge, as the rebalancing of the economy from investment and export-driven growth towards private consumption continues.

    Market Monitor Steel Germany 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Duitsland
    • Metaal,
    • Staal

    29 sep 2016

    The German steel and metals sector remains resilient with a competitive edge. However, major structural challenges and downside risks have increased.

    Market Monitor Steel India 2016

    Market Monitor

    • India
    • Metaal,
    • Staal

    29 sep 2016

    Benefits from domestic steel demand growth will be offset by limits to raise sales prices due to the global steel overcapacity and cheap imports.

    Market Monitor Steel Italy 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Italië
    • Metaal,
    • Staal

    29 sep 2016

    The Italian steel distributor segment has a large number of relatively small companies, which are still affected by weak demand and pressure on margins.

    Market Monitor Steel United Kingdom 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Verenigd Koninkrijk
    • Metaal,
    • Staal

    29 sep 2016

    Fierce competition, high energy costs and increased uncertainty due to the Brexit decision continue to weigh on the financial strength of many businesses.

    Market Monitor Steel Thailand 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Thailand
    • Metaal,
    • Staal

    29 sep 2016

    Banks are less willing to provide loans to the steel sector, given the high default rate and the recent debt impairment from one big steel manufacturers.

    Market Monitor Steel USA 2016

    Market Monitor

    • Verenigde Staten
    • Metaal,
    • Staal

    29 sep 2016

    The US sector´s revenue performance remains negatively affected by the lower cost of imported steel and decreasing demand from the oil/gas industry.