
Het Internationaal Incassohandboek

Debt Collection Handbook

  • Argentinië,
  • Australië,
  • Landbouw,
  • Automotive/Transport,

11 okt 2021

Handbook magazine

Het International Debt Collections Handbook is een belangrijk naslagwerk voor ondernemingen. Het helpt u de juiste keuzes te maken als u moet incasseren in het buitenland.


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    Market Monitor - Construction industry - India

    Market Monitor

    • India
    • Bouw

    19 feb 2015

    Problems remain in the building sectors of most of the countries covered in this issue of the Market Monitor. Consequently, the outlook for the construction industry in 2015 remains muted.

    Market Monitor - Construction industry - Australia

    Market Monitor

    • Australië
    • Bouw

    19 feb 2015

    Problems remain in the building sectors of most of the countries covered in this issue of the Market Monitor. Consequently, the outlook for the construction industry in 2015 remains muted.

    Market Monitor - Construction industry - Mexico

    Market Monitor

    • Mexico
    • Bouw

    19 feb 2015

    In 2015 the Mexican construction industry is forecast to grow 4 %.

    Market Monitor - Construction industry - Germany

    Market Monitor

    • Duitsland
    • Bouw

    19 feb 2015

    In 2015 we expect the construction sector in Germany to perform well and construction insolvencies to decrease by 3%, less than the 5% decrease forecast for business insolvencies in Germany overall.

    Market Monitor - Construction industry - Brazil

    Market Monitor

    • Brazilië
    • Bouw

    19 feb 2015

    After a modest growth of 0.5 % in 2014, the construction output in Brazil is expected to grow at more or less the same level in 2015.

    Market Monitor - Construction industry - United States

    Market Monitor

    • Verenigde Staten
    • Bouw

    19 feb 2015

    A 9 % increase is forecast for the US construction sector in 2015; the vast majority of construction and design firm executives believe the market is stable or growing.

    Market Monitor - Construction industry - United Kingdom

    Market Monitor

    • Verenigd Koninkrijk
    • Bouw

    19 feb 2015

    It is expected that construction output growth will continue in the UK in 2015 and also continue to broaden out beyond house building.

    Market Monitor - Construction industry - Belgium

    Market Monitor

    • België
    • Bouw

    19 feb 2015

    With poor demand, on-going pressure on prices and a high number of insolvencies, the construction sector in Belgium is going through difficult times.

    Country report Vietnam


    • Vietnam
    • Landbouw,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    02 feb 2015

    Vietnam is extremely export-driven, specialising in textiles and footwear. The economy is shifting towards higher value added sectors such as electronics.

    Country report Singapore


    • Singapore
    • Landbouw,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    02 feb 2015

    After 3.1% growth in 2014, Singapore’s economic growth is expected to accelerate to 3.4% in 2015, driven by investment; among other things, in its infrastructure.