
International Debt Collections Handbook

Debt Collection Handbook

  • Argentine,
  • Australie,
  • Agriculture,
  • Automobile / Transports,

11 oct. 2021

Handbook magazine

The International Debt Collections Handbook is a key tool for businesses when it comes to making decisions concerning collections in foreign countries.

Etudes sur le recouvrement

Accéder à toutes les publications d’Atradius Collections: guide du recouvrement international, pratiques des entreprises en matière de recouvrement, rapports sectoriels.

Les prévisions sectorielles

Accédez à un aperçu de la situation du risque et des performances des entreprises de 15 secteurs majeurs dans plus de 31 pays. La prévision est basée sur l'évaluation des arbitres d'Atradius.

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    Visualiser 421-440 De 987 Résultats

    UAE: clouds over the economic outlook

    Baromètre des Pratiques de Paiement

    • Emirats Arabes Unis
    • Agriculture,
    • Chimique / Pharmaceutique,

    10 juin 2020

    Like all economies around the world, the UAE is dealing with an unprecedented disruption of business activity and tourism

    Indonesia: economic outlook appears highly uncertain

    Baromètre des Pratiques de Paiement

    • Indonésie
    • Chimique / Pharmaceutique,
    • Electronique,

    10 juin 2020

    The global economic downturn triggered by the coronavirus pandemic has severely affected Indonesia’s economic performance.

    Hong Kong: stronger focus to credit management

    Baromètre des Pratiques de Paiement

    • Hong Kong
    • Biens de consommation durables,
    • Electronique,

    10 juin 2020

    Hong Kong businesses strengthened their credit risk management processes in order to better handle the risk of liquidity constraints due to the pandemic-induced economic crisis.

    China: greater role for B2B trade credit

    Baromètre des Pratiques de Paiement

    • Chine
    • Chimique / Pharmaceutique,
    • Biens de consommation durables,

    10 juin 2020

    In the current challenging economic times, it is essential for Chinese businesses focus on strengthening their customer credit risk management and debt collection processes.

    Singapore: businesses face worsening payment practices

    Baromètre des Pratiques de Paiement

    • Singapour
    • Agriculture,
    • Chimique / Pharmaceutique,

    09 juin 2020

    Singapore’s economy is strongly dependent on international trade and highly integrated in the Asian supply chain. This makes it highly vulnerable to changes in the global trading environment

    Country Report Taiwan 2020

    Rapport pays

    • Taïwan
    • Automobile / Transports,
    • Biens de consommation durables,

    15 avr. 2020

    A deep recession remains a downside risk.

    Weathering the oil price plunge

    Etude économique

    • Algérie,
    • Angola,
    • Economie de l'information

    31 mars 2020

    The oil price has plummeted since the beginning of 2020 as the coronavirus is negatively affecting demand, while oil producers are entangled in a price war.

    Market Monitor Construction Sweden 2020

    Market Monitor

    • Suède
    • Construction / BTP

    10 mars 2020

    Total investment in domestic construction decreased 4% in 2019.

    Market Monitor Construction Singapore 2020

    Market Monitor

    • Singapour
    • Construction / BTP

    10 mars 2020

    Lower global trade, ongoing trade policy uncertainty, less demand from China and the ICT downcycle have an immediate impact on Singapore's export-driven economy.

    Market Monitor Construction Australia 2020

    Market Monitor

    • Australie
    • Construction / BTP

    10 mars 2020

    Construction is a significant contributor to the Australian economy, accounting for 8.1% of GDP.

    Market Monitor Construction UK 2020

    Market Monitor

    • Royaume-Uni
    • Construction / BTP

    10 mars 2020

    Construction activity decreased towards the end of 2019 against the backdrop of weaker economic growth and political issues (shifting Brexit deadlines and a snap general election in December).

    Market Monitor Construction Poland 2020

    Market Monitor

    • Pologne
    • Construction / BTP

    10 mars 2020

    According to Statistics Poland, output of construction and assembly works increased 2.6% in 2019.

    Market Monitor Construction Netherlands 2020

    Market Monitor

    • Pays-Bas
    • Construction / BTP

    10 mars 2020

    Dutch construction contributes approximately EUR 70 billion to, and accounts for 4.5% of GDP.

    Market Monitor Construction Italy 2020

    Market Monitor

    • Italie
    • Construction / BTP

    10 mars 2020

    According to the national association of construction companies (ANCE), in 2019 construction investment increased 1.7% year-on-year, to about EUR 130 billion.

    Market Monitor Construction France 2020

    Market Monitor

    • France
    • Construction / BTP

    10 mars 2020

    Growth of French GDP is expected to slow down further in 2020, and the outlook for the construction sector is rather subdued across all major segments.

    Market Monitor Construction Belgium 2020

    Market Monitor

    • Belgique
    • Construction / BTP

    10 mars 2020

    Despite low confidence and modest 1.2% GDP growth in 2019, the construction sector performed quite well in terms of volume, and value added increased more than 2%.

    Market Monitor Construction Spain 2020

    Market Monitor

    • Espagne
    • Construction / BTP

    10 mars 2020

    Over the past years construction investment and valued added grew at a faster rate than GDP, benefitting from robust economic growth in Spain, increased foreign investment and low interest rates.

    Corporate insolvency growth to accelerate in 2020

    Etude économique

    • Australie,
    • Autriche,
    • Economie de l'information

    05 mars 2020

    Corporate insolvencies are expected to grow 2.4% in 2020, a pronounced acceleration from the 1.4% increase recorded in 2019, largely resulting from the coronavirus outbreak

    Coronavirus: an unwelcome guest at a bad time

    Etude économique

    • Chine,
    • Allemagne,
    • Economie de l'information

    05 mars 2020

    The coronavirus outbreak arrives at a time when global growth is already expected to slow and negatively impacts growth and insolvencies.

    Argentina: clock is ticking 100 days after elections

    Etude économique

    • Argentine
    • Economie de l'information

    11 févr. 2020

    The herculean task of restructuring Argentina's debt is underway but the risk of a disorderly default remains high.


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