
International Debt Collections Handbook

Debt Collection Handbook

  • Argentinien,
  • Australien,
  • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
  • Automobil/Transport,

11 10 2021

Handbook magazine

The International Debt Collections Handbook is a key tool for businesses when it comes to making decisions concerning collections in foreign countries.


Erhalten Sie Daten zum weltweiten B2B-Inkasso mit Publikationen von Atradius Collections wie dem International Debt Collections Handbook und der Global Collections Review.

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    Economic Outlook - July 2024


    • ,
    • ,
    • Allgemeine Wirtschaft

    04 07 2024

    The global economy seems on track for a soft landing, as inflation is coming down while a recession can be avoided.

    Machines and Engineering Industry Trends June 2024


    • Kanada,
    • Deutschland,
    • Maschinen/-bau

    28 06 2024

    Contractions continue in Europe and the US, but a 2025 rebound is on the cards

    Electronics/ICT Industry Trends June 2024


    • Frankreich,
    • Deutschland,
    • Elektronik/ITK

    12 06 2024

    Electronics/ICT will be one of the fastest growing sectors globally in 2024-2025

    Clean Energy Transition: Machines & Manufacturing


    • Algerien,
    • Angola,
    • Maschinen/-bau

    06 06 2024

    Has the machines sector flown under the sustainability radar?

    B2B payment practices trends, Turkiye 2024


    • Türkei
    • Chemie/Pharma,
    • Nahrungsmittel,

    06 06 2024

    A stand-out finding from our survey is that trading on credit continues to play a key role in B2B sales strategy for businesses in Turkiye..

    B2B payment practices trends, Romania 2024


    • Rumänien
    • Bau,
    • Stahl,

    04 06 2024

    Our survey finds that a notable 44% of Romanian businesses are opting to outsource credit risk management rather than managing it in-house.

    B2B payment practices trends, Bulgaria 2024


    • Bulgarien
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Nahrungsmittel,

    04 06 2024

    There is widespread concern across all sectors in Bulgaria about the trend of Days-Sales-Outstanding (DSO) indicating a decline in debt collection efficiency.

    B2B payment practices trends, Czech Republic 2024


    • Tschechische Republik
    • Bau,
    • Chemie/Pharma,

    04 06 2024

    A rise in customer credit risk among businesses in the Czech Republic is evident in our survey.

    B2B payment practices trends, Poland 2024


    • Polen
    • Bau,
    • Konsumgüter,

    04 06 2024

    Companies in Poland say they usually respond by delaying payments to their own suppliers. However, this comes with the risk of a domino effect through a particular industry.

    B2B payment practices trends, Slovakia 2024


    • Slowakei
    • Konsumgüter,
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,

    04 06 2024

    Around 70% of companies in Slovakia report a worsening of payment practices, with just over four in five B2B invoices currently overdue.

    B2B payment practices trends, Slovenia 2024


    • Slovenien
    • Bau,
    • Automobil/Transport,

    04 06 2024

    While many companies in our survey of Slovenia say they are open to trading on credit in B2B sales there is a generally cautious and risk averse approach in practice.

    B2B payment practices trends, CEE 2024


    • Bulgarien,
    • Tschechische Republik,
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Nahrungsmittel,

    04 06 2024

    Economic strain shapes customer credit risk landscape across the CEE region. 60% of companies anticipate a rise in insolvencies.

    B2B payment practices trends, Hungary 2024


    • Ungarn
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Nahrungsmittel,

    04 06 2024

    Companies in our survey of Hungary continue to show a cautious approach to B2B trading on credit in the current challenging economic times.

    European gas market dealing with lower Russian supplies


    • ,
    • ,
    • Allgemeine Wirtschaft

    28 05 2024

    The crisis on the gas market, triggered by sharply reduced supplies from Russia, forced Europe to cut back gas demand and look for alternative supplies.

    B2B payment practices trends, Italy 2024


    • Italien
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Nahrungsmittel,

    22 05 2024

    Clear change of approach among companies in Italy to their payment policies to balance cashflow while meeting B2B customer demands.

    B2B payment practices trends, United Kingdom 2024


    • Großbritannien
    • Konsumgüter,
    • Elektronik/ITK,

    22 05 2024

    The use of trade credit in B2B sales strategy continues to play a hugely significant role for companies in the United Kingdom.

    B2B payment practices trends, Switzerland 2024


    • Schweiz
    • Chemie/Pharma,
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,

    22 05 2024

    Swiss companies are enhancing their strategic credit management to mitigate the disruptive impact of payment risks.

    B2B payment practices trends, Sweden 2024


    • Schweden
    • Konsumgüter,
    • Elektronik/ITK,

    22 05 2024

    Swedish companies have difficulties in collecting large, long-overdue payments from customers, which is leading to liquidity problems.

    B2B payment practices trends, Spain 2024


    • Spanien
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Nahrungsmittel,

    22 05 2024

    Customer credit risk volatility stems from Spain's challenging economic climate.

    B2B payment practices trends, The Netherlands 2024


    • Niederlande
    • Agrar/Landwirtschaft,
    • Nahrungsmittel,

    22 05 2024

    There is a widely varying trade credit landscape for Dutch business across all sectors in the current challenging economic climate.


    Die Angaben auf dieser Website dienen lediglich allgemeinen Informationszwecken und ersetzen keine Beratung. Die geltenden Bestimmungen können Sie der Versicherungspolice oder dem entsprechenden Produkt- bzw. Dienstleistungsvertrag entnehmen. Nichts auf dieser Website darf dahingehend ausgelegt werden, dass für Atradius ein Recht, eine Pflicht oder eine Verantwortung begründet wird. Dies gilt ebenso für die Pflicht zur Durchführung einer Due-Diligence-Prüfung von Abnehmern im eigenen oder in Ihrem Namen. Atradius nimmt Due-Diligence-Prüfungen von beliebigen Abnehmern lediglich zu eigenen Underwriting-Zwecken und nicht zugunsten des Versicherungsnehmers oder einer sonstigen Person vor. Zudem schließen Atradius und seine verbundenen Unternehmen und Tochtergesellschaften jegliche Haftung für direkte, indirekte, Neben- und Folgeschäden sowie besondere und zusätzliche Schadenersatzansprüche aus, die sich aus der Verwertung der auf dieser Website gemachten Angaben ergeben.