
Payment Practices Barometer India 2016

Payment Practices Barometer

  • India
  • Agriculture,
  • Automotive/Transport,

19th October 2016

Business people walking | Atradius

As a consequence of late payment by B2B customers, 45% of suppliers surveyed in India reported they had to take specific measures to correct cash flow.


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    Country Report Taiwan

    Country report

    • Taiwan
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    28th January 2016

    Productivity increases and economic diversification are the main long-term challenges.

    Country Report Thailand

    Country report

    • Thailand
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    28th January 2016

    GDP growth in 2016 (up 2.5%) still below the country´s growth potential, and political uncertainty remains an issue.

    Top eight most promising markets of 2016

    Economic research

    • Bangladesh,
    • Colombia,
    • General economic

    20th January 2016

    Atradius picks the top 8 markets for business opportunities in 2016. These emerging markets have been showing strong performances over the past three years and are expected to improve further in 2016.

    US interest rate rise: emerging markets at risk

    Economic research

    • Brazil,
    • Chile,
    • General economic

    14th December 2015

    The first increase in US interest rates in almost 10 years may lead to trouble in emerging markets.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - Belgium

    Market Monitor

    • Belgium
    • Food

    10th December 2015

    Food exports grew 2.1% in 2014 and are expected to increase further in 2015.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - France

    Market Monitor

    • France
    • Food

    10th December 2015

    The French food industry has benefited from falling raw material prices and a weaker euro, which helped boost competitiveness abroad.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - Netherlands

    Market Monitor

    • Netherlands
    • Food

    10th December 2015

    Due to the weaker exchange rate and increased demand from overseas markets, Dutch food exports increased in 2015 and are expected to rise further in 2016.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - Italy

    Market Monitor

    • Italy
    • Food

    10th December 2015

    Italian profit margins have decreased in 2015 but are expected to remain stable in 2016.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - Poland

    Market Monitor

    • Poland
    • Food

    10th December 2015

    In 2015, Polish food exports are expected to reach a historical peak.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - Hungary

    Market Monitor

    • Hungary
    • Food

    10th December 2015

    Profitability of food producers has increased in 2014 and is expected to remain stable in 2015.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - Ireland

    Market Monitor

    • Ireland
    • Food

    10th December 2015

    The Irish food sector has benefited from the weaker euro, the rebound of the Irish economy and growing consumer confidence.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - Russia

    Market Monitor

    • Russia
    • Food

    10th December 2015

    Prices for food have grown and local production has increased in order to subsitute lacking imports.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - Spain

    Market Monitor

    • Spain
    • Food

    10th December 2015

    The average payment duration in the Spanish food industry is 70 days.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - United Kingdom

    Market Monitor

    • United Kingdom
    • Food

    10th December 2015

    Food business insolvencies are expected to increase by about 15% in 2015.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - United States

    Market Monitor

    • USA
    • Food

    10th December 2015

    Profit margins of food businesses in the United States are expected to remain stable in 2016.

    Natural gas prices fall across the world

    Economic research

    • Australia,
    • Austria,
    • General economic

    9th December 2015

    Natural gas prices have fallen significantly in Asia and Europe on the back of the sliding oil price. As more LNG comes on the market regional prices are set to remain low.

    NAFTA Country Report - USA

    Country report

    • USA
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    16th November 2015

    Robust growth rates persist, but lower exports hurt the manufacturing sector.

    NAFTA Country Report - Mexico

    Country report

    • Mexico
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    16th November 2015

    Crucial reforms have been passed, but their proper implementation remains to be seen.

    NAFTA Country Report - Canada

    Country report

    • Canada
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    16th November 2015

    Growth is expected to slow down, while business insolvencies to increase in 2015 and 2016.

    Payment Practices Barometer Australia 2015

    Payment Practices Barometer

    • Australia
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    21st October 2015

    Nearly half of the respondents in Australia said that the risk of payment delay and default from B2B buyers has increased over the past six months. One in five respondents rated it as “significant”.