
Payment Practices Barometer India 2016

Payment Practices Barometer

  • India
  • Agriculture,
  • Automotive/Transport,

19th October 2016

Business people walking | Atradius

As a consequence of late payment by B2B customers, 45% of suppliers surveyed in India reported they had to take specific measures to correct cash flow.


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    Metals and Steel Industry Trends Czech Republic - 2022

    Market Monitor

    • Czech Republic
    • Metals,
    • Steel

    5th September 2022

    Shortage of gas supplies is a major downside risk

    Metals and Steel Industry Trends Poland - 2022

    Market Monitor

    • Poland
    • Metals,
    • Steel

    5th September 2022

    Financially resilient businesses, but downside risks loom

    Metals and Steel Industry Trends Belgium - 2022

    Market Monitor

    • Belgium
    • Metals,
    • Steel

    5th September 2022

    Increasing insolvencies – but from a historically low level

    Industry Trends Metals and Steel 2022

    Market Monitor

    • Belgium,
    • China,
    • Metals,
    • Steel

    5th September 2022

    Profit margins of many business increased in 2021, but several markets are facing major downside risks

    Obsługa procedury upadłościowej w Polsce i za granicą.

    Trend Reports

    • Poland
    • Financial Services

    2nd September 2022

    Procedury upadłościowe często są przewlekłe i uciążliwe, a w przypadku dłużnika zagranicznego mogą wiązać się z jeszcze większym stopniem złożoności. Przedstawiamy jak możemy usprawnić ten proces.

    Inflation expectations yet to decouple from ECB target

    Economic research

    • Austria,
    • Belgium,
    • General economic

    23rd August 2022

    Despite rising inflation in the eurozone, we argue it has not yet sprung loose from the ECB target in the medium term

    Vietnam: robust growth provides business opportunities

    Country report

    • Vietnam
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    11th August 2022

    Vietnam: despite some headwinds the economic performance remains strong, and provides business opportunities for exporters

    Economic Outlook - July 2022

    Economic research

    • ,
    • ,
    • General economic

    13th July 2022

    Economic disruptions from the war in Ukraine, lingering lockdown restrictions and multi-decade high inflation have generated a new set of adverse shocks for the global economy

    Indonesia: solid GDP rebound, but downside risks loom

    Country report

    • Indonesia
    • Automotive/Transport,
    • Construction,

    7th July 2022

    An economic rebound is underway and sectors have recovered, but downside risks persist

    USMCA: soaring inflation prompts liquidity protection

    Payment Practices Barometer

    • Canada,
    • Mexico,
    • Agriculture,
    • Chemicals/Pharma,

    6th July 2022

    The impact of the alarming surge of inflation on businesses, and the consequent need to protect cash flow and profitability, lies at the heart of our latest survey in the USMCA.

    Canada: business alert to B2B customer payment default

    Payment Practices Barometer

    • Canada
    • Chemicals/Pharma,
    • Metals,

    6th July 2022

    The need for strong strategic credit risk management is a high priority in the Canadian market.

    Mexico: rising bad debt levels

    Payment Practices Barometer

    • Mexico
    • Agriculture,
    • Chemicals/Pharma,

    6th July 2022

    Over than 10% increase in the Mexico market in the levels of both B2B customer payment defaults and bad debts written off as uncollectible.

    US: DSO worries prompt strategic credit management

    Payment Practices Barometer

    • USA
    • Agriculture,
    • Chemicals/Pharma,

    6th July 2022

    Days-Sales-Outstanding worsens (DSO) for one third of companies polled across all US industries. Payment default from B2B customers remains a major headache for companies.

    Asia: concern over upward trend of bad debt write-offs

    Payment Practices Barometer

    • China,
    • Hong Kong,
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    28th June 2022

    The 2022 edition of the Atradius Payment Practices Barometer for Asia reveals a sharp rise in B2B bad debts written off as uncollectable. This represents a threat of liquidity strains for businesses.

    Indonesia: liquidity issues spark B2B payment default

    Payment Practices Barometer

    • Indonesia
    • Agriculture,
    • Chemicals/Pharma,

    28th June 2022

    Companies polled said they tackled the issue with more regular reviews of customer credit behavior to spot warning signs of financial distress.

    China: cash flow strained by default on B2B payments

    Payment Practices Barometer

    • China
    • Automotive/Transport,
    • Chemicals/Pharma,

    28th June 2022

    Businesses polled in China fear that a knock-on effect of payment defaults from B2B customers will trigger liquidity issues.

    United Arab Emirates: credit management strengthening

    Payment Practices Barometer

    • United Arab Emirates
    • Agriculture,
    • Chemicals/Pharma,

    28th June 2022

    A wide range of protective measures to mitigate against the impact of customer payment default were used by businesses polled in the United Arab Emirates.

    Taiwan: sharp rise in bad debts

    Payment Practices Barometer

    • Taiwan
    • Chemicals/Pharma,
    • Electronics/ICT,

    28th June 2022

    Our survey shows a sharp rise in bad debts written off as uncollectable, revealing a disturbing deterioration in B2B payment practices.

    Hong Kong: trade credit risk trends upward

    Payment Practices Barometer

    • Hong Kong
    • Chemicals/Pharma,
    • Construction,

    28th June 2022

    An alarming increase in bad debt write-offs worries companies in Hong Kong, prompting them to seek strategic credit risk management solutions.

    India: bad debt levels remain high

    Payment Practices Barometer

    • India
    • Chemicals/Pharma,
    • Consumer Durables,

    28th June 2022

    Companies polled in India told us of the difficulty they found in collecting long unpaid trade debt.