
International Debt Collections Handbook

Manual de Cobrança de Dívida Internacional

  • Argentina,
  • Austrália,
  • Agricultura,
  • Automotiva / Transporte,

11 out 2021

Handbook magazine

The International Debt Collections Handbook is a key tool for businesses when it comes to making decisions concerning collections in foreign countries.

Relatórios de Cobrança de Dívidas

Acesse dados de cobrança de dívidas globais com publicações da Atradius Collections, incluindo o Manual de Cobrança de Dívida Internacional, Cobranças Globais e Relatórios de Tendências da Indústria.

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    Ver 151-160 do 987 Artigos

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    Shortage of gas supplies is a major downside risk

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    Financially resilient businesses, but downside risks loom

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    Increasing insolvencies – but from a historically low level

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    Profit margins of many business increased in 2021, but several markets are facing major downside risks

    Obsługa procedury upadłościowej w Polsce i za granicą.


    • Polônia
    • Serviços financeiros

    02 set 2022

    Procedury upadłościowe często są przewlekłe i uciążliwe, a w przypadku dłużnika zagranicznego mogą wiązać się z jeszcze większym stopniem złożoności. Przedstawiamy jak możemy usprawnić ten proces.