
International Debt Collections Handbook

International inkassohåndbog

  • Argentina,
  • Australien,
  • Landbrug,
  • Biler og transport,

11 Oct 2021

Handbook magazine

The International Debt Collections Handbook is a key tool for businesses when it comes to making decisions concerning collections in foreign countries.


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Få et overblik over kreditrisikoen og performance i erhvervslivet inden for 14 brancher i mere end 25 lande. Prognosen er baseret på en vurdering af underwritere hos Atradius.

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    Market Monitor Construction Mexico 2018

    Market Monitor

    • Mexico
    • Bygge og anlæg

    13 Feb 2018

    The outlook for 2018 remains subdued and the already low profit margins of many construction businesses are expected to deteriorate further in H1 of 2018.

    Market Monitor Construction Poland 2018

    Market Monitor

    • Polen
    • Bygge og anlæg

    13 Feb 2018

    While the market is still growing, increasing costs for construction materials and transport weigh on the performance of construction businesses.

    Market Monitor Construction Singapore 2018

    Market Monitor

    • Singapore
    • Bygge og anlæg

    13 Feb 2018

    Smaller contractors continue to suffer from tight cash flow and deteriorating margins due to a lack of projects and higher labour and rental costs.

    Market Monitor Construction Thailand 2018

    Market Monitor

    • Thailand
    • Bygge og anlæg

    13 Feb 2018

    Construction is expected to have high growth rates over the next five years, mainly due to large infrastructure projects driven by the government.

    NAFTA Country Report Canada 2018


    • Canada
    • Landbrug,
    • Biler og transport,

    16 Jan 2018

    Canada's GDP growth is forecast to slow down to about 2% in 2018, due to a slowdown in private consumption and government spending.

    NAFTA Country Report Costa Rica 2018


    • Costa Rica
    • Landbrug,
    • Biler og transport,

    16 Jan 2018

    Costa Rica’s GDP growth is expected to accelerate driven by private consumption, robust private, public and foreign investment, and further export growth.

    NAFTA Country Report Mexico 2018


    • Mexico
    • Landbrug,
    • Biler og transport,

    16 Jan 2018

    Mexico seems to be quite resilient in dealing with the uncertainty brought by the NAFTA renegotiations due to its strong economic fundamentals.

    NAFTA Country Report Panama 2018


    • Panama
    • Landbrug,
    • Biler og transport,

    16 Jan 2018

    Panama´s economy is small, very open, highly diversified, fully dollarized and highly competitive by regional standards. However, challenges remain.

    NAFTA Country Report USA 2018


    • USA
    • Landbrug,
    • Biler og transport,

    16 Jan 2018

    The US administration´s trade policy remains a downside risk, not just for trading partners, but also for the US economy itself.

    Promising Markets for 2018

    Economic research

    • Columbia,
    • Costa Rica,
    • Landbrug,
    • Biler og transport,

    11 Jan 2018

    The economic recovery in emerging market economies is expected to continue strengthening in 2018 and these markets could present opportunities for business.


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