
International Debt Collections Handbook

International inkassohåndbog

  • Argentina,
  • Australien,
  • Landbrug,
  • Biler og transport,

11 Oct 2021

Handbook magazine

The International Debt Collections Handbook is a key tool for businesses when it comes to making decisions concerning collections in foreign countries.


Få adgang til data om erhvervsinkasso med Atradius Collections’ publikationer, herunder vores internationale inkassohåndbog, Global Collections Review og Industry Trends-rapporter.

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Få et overblik over kreditrisikoen og performance i erhvervslivet inden for 14 brancher i mere end 25 lande. Prognosen er baseret på en vurdering af underwritere hos Atradius.

Атрадиус Прогноза по индустрии


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    Country report Malaysia


    • Malaysia
    • Landbrug,
    • Biler og transport,

    02 Feb 2015

    Malaysia’s business environment is considered to be far more favourable than that of its regional neighbours, apart from Singapore, and the financial sector is strong.

    Country report Indonesia


    • Indonesien
    • Landbrug,
    • Biler og transport,

    02 Feb 2015

    After a disappointing 5.1% in 2014, Indonesia’s economic growth is expected to accelerate by around 6% in 2015.

    Market Monitor - Construction industry -The Netherlands

    Market Monitor

    • Nederlandene
    • Bygge og anlæg

    02 Feb 2015

    As in 2013 and 2014, fierce competition means that the Dutch construction sector is still affected by price wars, leading to on-going pressure on margins.

    Country Report India


    • Indien
    • Landbrug,
    • Biler og transport,

    01 Jan 2015

    India’s rebound is expected to be driven by the resumption of stalled infrastructure projects, high investment, urbanisation, the improvement of the business environment and structural reforms.

    Country Report China


    • Kina
    • Landbrug,
    • Biler og transport,

    30 Dec 2014

    Although economic growth is slowing, the business environment is generally stable. The challenge for the Chinese authorities is to implement reforms to reduce the vulnerabilities in the economy.

    Market Monitor- Focus on the food industry -Netherlands

    Market Monitor

    • Nederlandene
    • Fødevarer

    01 Dec 2014

    The Netherlands is the second largest exporter of food and agricultural products. The weakening of the euro gave a boost to further export growth.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - Italy

    Market Monitor

    • Italien
    • Fødevarer

    01 Dec 2014

    Despite some problems, the Italian food sector benefits from its non-cyclical nature, its large and varied client base and a strong export performance.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - Germany

    Market Monitor

    • Tyskland
    • Fødevarer

    01 Dec 2014

    The German food sector has continued to grow in the first half of 2014. Domestically, there is increased competition caused by large retailers and discounters’ dominating market share.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the food industry - France

    Market Monitor

    • Frankrig
    • Fødevarer

    01 Dec 2014

    The French food sector has benefited from falling raw material prices and a weaker euro, which helps boost competitiveness abroad.

    Payment Practices Barometer Asia Pacific


    • Australien,
    • Japan,
    • Landbrug

    01 Nov 2014

    Concerns that credit quality could be deteriorating in several countries in Asia Pacific are growing.


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