
International Debt Collections Handbook

International inkassohåndbog

  • Argentina,
  • Australien,
  • Landbrug,
  • Biler og transport,

11 Oct 2021

Handbook magazine

The International Debt Collections Handbook is a key tool for businesses when it comes to making decisions concerning collections in foreign countries.


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Få et overblik over kreditrisikoen og performance i erhvervslivet inden for 14 brancher i mere end 25 lande. Prognosen er baseret på en vurdering af underwritere hos Atradius.

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    B2B payment practices trend, Germany 2023


    • Tyskland
    • Kemi og medicinalvarer,
    • Biler og transport,

    24 May 2023

    German companies reported increased reliance on trade credit in B2B transactions to cushion impact of tighter monetary policy on the business.

    B2B payment practices trend, United Kingdom 2023


    • Storbritannien
    • Forbrugsvarer,
    • Landbrug,

    24 May 2023

    A strong deterioration in the trade credit risk landscape for UK companies was shown by a series of trends in our survey. One major issue was a marked increase in late payments and bad debts.

    B2B payment practices trend, Sweden 2023


    • Sverige
    • Kemi og medicinalvarer,
    • Forbrugsvarer,

    24 May 2023

    Swedish companies have strong concerns looking ahead about how they will be affected by new regulations related to European and global climate change goals.

    B2B payment practices trend, Ireland 2023


    • Irland
    • Bygge og anlæg,
    • Biler og transport,

    24 May 2023

    A sharp worsening of B2B customers' payment practices during the past months prompted a range of actions in response by companies polled in Ireland.

    B2B payment practices trend, France 2023


    • Frankrig
    • Forbrugsvarer,
    • Landbrug,

    24 May 2023

    French businesses polled across various sectors acknowledged the value-added benefits of strategic credit management in the current volatile and extremely unpredictable economic environment.

    B2B payment practices trend, Switzerland 2023


    • Schweiz
    • Elektronik og IT,
    • Metal,

    24 May 2023

    Swiss companies express anxiety about the impact of exchange rate swings on the business. They fear that it will create pressure on both export demand and on operating margins.

    B2B payment practices trend, Spain 2023


    • Spanien
    • Landbrug,
    • Fødevarer,

    24 May 2023

    As the economy faces headwinds chiefly due to weak domestic demand, uncertain exports trend and high borrowings costs, Spanish businesses withstand trade credit risk to strengthen cashflow.

    B2B payment practices trend, The Netherlands 2023


    • Nederlandene
    • Bygge og anlæg,
    • Forbrugsvarer,

    24 May 2023

    Dutch companies’ response to a gradual decline in payment morale of B2B customers during the past months was sharper focus on working capital management.

    B2B payment practices trend, Denmark 2023


    • Danmark
    • Elektronik og IT,
    • Kemi og medicinalvarer,

    24 May 2023

    Sharp downward trend in B2B sales on credit of Danish companies. Key factors are weak domestic demand, strong export headwinds and enhanced perception of the risk of B2B payment default.

    B2B payment practices trends, Western Europe 2023


    • Østrig,
    • Belgien,
    • Landbrug,
    • Forbrugsvarer,

    24 May 2023

    The Atradius Payment Practices Barometer is an annual survey of business-to-business (B2B) payment practices in markets across the world. These are the 2023 survey findings for Western Europe.

    B2B payment practices trend, Belgium 2023


    • Belgien
    • Bygge og anlæg,
    • Forbrugsvarer,

    24 May 2023

    To fill temporary liquidity gaps and maintain healthy cash flow, 55% of companies polled in Belgium said they requested trade credit from their suppliers as an alternative to bank loans.

    Clean Energy Transition: Transport

    Market Monitor

    • Nederlandene,
    • ,
    • Biler og transport

    17 May 2023

    Is the global transport industry on a highway to climate hell?

    Turkey battles high inflation ahead of elections

    Economic research

    • Tyrkiet
    • Generel økonomi

    10 May 2023

    Regardless of the election result, the next Turkish government faces a complicated set of macroeconomic problems

    Clean Energy Transition: Steel

    Market Monitor

    • Nederlandene,
    • ,
    • Stål

    05 May 2023

    Is the steel industry on track to meet the world's climate goals?

    Fears of a banking crisis overdone

    Economic research

    • Algeriet,
    • Angola,
    • Generel økonomi

    13 Apr 2023

    Fears of a banking crisis have arisen as several midsized US banks have filed for bankruptcy and Credit Suisse ran into trouble

    Energy transition not a panacea for fuel importers

    Economic research

    • ,
    • ,
    • Generel økonomi

    04 Apr 2023

    The energy transition offers benefits for fuel importers in declining their import bill. Nevertheless, not all their problems are likely to be resolved.

    Insolvencies increase sharply as normality returns

    Economic research

    • Australien,
    • Østrig,
    • Generel økonomi

    30 Mar 2023

    Sharp insolvency increases in some major economies in 2023, followed in 2024 by a year of relative stabilisation.

    Regional Economic Outlook Asia - March 2023

    Economic research

    • Kina,
    • Hong Kong,
    • Generel økonomi

    07 Mar 2023

    The economic recovery in Asia is losing steam, but not for long

    Construction Industry Trends 2023

    Market Monitor

    • Australien,
    • Belgien,
    • Bygge og anlæg

    07 Feb 2023

    Construction activity in advanced markets remains subdued in 2023

    Construction Industry Trends United States - 2023

    Market Monitor

    • USA
    • Bygge og anlæg

    07 Feb 2023

    Government support sustains non-residential building activities

    Construction Industry Trends United Kingdom - 2023

    Market Monitor

    • Storbritannien
    • Bygge og anlæg

    07 Feb 2023

    Labour shortage and higher wage costs are serious issues

    Construction Industry Trends Germany

    Market Monitor

    • Tyskland
    • Bygge og anlæg

    07 Feb 2023

    A marked decline in residential construction activity

    Construction Industry Trends Netherlands - 2023

    Market Monitor

    • Nederlandene
    • Bygge og anlæg

    07 Feb 2023

    Increase in insolvencies, but from a historically low level

    Construction Industry Trends France - 2023

    Market Monitor

    • Frankrig
    • Bygge og anlæg

    07 Feb 2023

    A substantial increase in business failures is expected

    Construction Industry Trends Spain - 2023

    Market Monitor

    • Spanien
    • Bygge og anlæg

    07 Feb 2023

    Woes in the residential construction segment

    Construction Industry Trends Italy - 2023

    Market Monitor

    • Italien
    • Bygge og anlæg

    07 Feb 2023

    Structural weaknesses continue to impact credit risk

    Construction Industry Trends Poland - 2023

    Market Monitor

    • Polen
    • Bygge og anlæg

    07 Feb 2023

    Freeze of EU funds severely affects civil engineering

    Construction Industry Trends Belgium - 2023

    Market Monitor

    • Belgien
    • Bygge og anlæg

    07 Feb 2023

    Energetic renovation keeps up activity

    Construction Industry Trends Australia - 2023

    Market Monitor

    • Australien
    • Bygge og anlæg

    07 Feb 2023

    Labour and material shortages remain major issues

    Growth sectors 2023 - Europe, Asia and The Americas

    Market Monitor

    • ,
    • ,
    • Fødevarer,
    • Elektronik og IT,

    19 Jan 2023

    At the start of 2023, against the backdrop of rather gloomy economic forecasts, we looked for ‘bright spots’ in the global economy.

    Regional Economic Outlook Sub-Saharan Africa - December

    Economic research

    • Angola,
    • Sydafrika
    • Generel økonomi

    19 Dec 2022

    High food prices add to Sub-Saharan Africa's economic woes

    B2B payment practices trends, Eastern Europe 2022


    • Bulgarien,
    • Tjekkiet,
    • Landbrug,
    • Biler og transport,

    15 Dec 2022

    The Atradius Payment Practices Barometer is an annual survey of business-to-business (B2B) payment practices in markets across the world. These are the survey findings for Eastern Europe.

    Economic Outlook - December 2022

    Economic research

    • ,
    • ,
    • Generel økonomi

    13 Dec 2022

    The global economy is facing an unprecedented mix of challenges which are bringing it to the brink of recession in 2023.

    Industry Trends Chemicals 2022

    Market Monitor

    • Kina,
    • Frankrig,
    • Kemi og medicinalvarer

    24 Nov 2022

    Chemicals - global performance at a glance

    Chemicals Industry Trends United States - 2022

    Market Monitor

    • USA
    • Kemi og medicinalvarer

    24 Nov 2022

    A sharper focus on de-carbonisation strategies

    Chemicals Industry Trends China - 2022

    Market Monitor

    • Kina
    • Kemi og medicinalvarer

    24 Nov 2022

    Lockdowns and lower economic growth weigh on the industry

    Chemicals Industry Trends Germany - 2022

    Market Monitor

    • Tyskland
    • Kemi og medicinalvarer

    24 Nov 2022

    Still resilient, but profitability is under threat

    Chemicals Industry Trends Netherlands - 2022

    Market Monitor

    • Nederlandene
    • Kemi og medicinalvarer

    24 Nov 2022

    Increasing pressure from overseas competitors

    Chemicals Industry Trends France - 2022

    Market Monitor

    • Frankrig
    • Kemi og medicinalvarer

    24 Nov 2022

    Most businesses are able to cope with the difficult market conditions

    Chemicals Industry Trends Italy - 2022

    Market Monitor

    • Italien
    • Kemi og medicinalvarer

    24 Nov 2022

    More resilient to market shocks than other industries

    Chemicals Industry Trends Japan - 2022

    Market Monitor

    • Japan
    • Kemi og medicinalvarer

    24 Nov 2022

    Pressure on profitability to remain limited

    Chemicals Industry Trends Spain - 2022

    Market Monitor

    • Spanien
    • Kemi og medicinalvarer

    24 Nov 2022

    Concerns about liquidity strain have increased

    B2B payment practices trends, Western Europe 2022


    • Østrig,
    • Belgien,
    • Landbrug,
    • Biler og transport,

    09 Nov 2022

    The Atradius Payment Practices Barometer is an annual survey of business-to-business (B2B) payment practices in markets across the world.

    Backward integration raises value chain vulnerabilities

    Economic research

    • ,
    • ,
    • Generel økonomi

    28 Oct 2022

    Businesses experience difficulties to source inputs as a result of shocks to global value chains

    Sharp increase in insolvencies as govt. support expires

    Economic research

    • Australien,
    • Østrig,
    • Generel økonomi

    06 Oct 2022

    As government support measures related to the pandemic have ended almost everywhere, we expect insolvencies to rise sharply in some major markets.

    Brazil: tight presidential run-off election expected


    • Brasilien
    • Generel økonomi

    05 Oct 2022

    Ongoing political uncertainty could weigh negatively on investor sentiment

    India: bad debt levels remain high


    • Indien
    • Kemi og medicinalvarer,
    • Forbrugsvarer,

    19 Sep 2022

    Companies polled in India told us of the difficulty they found in collecting long unpaid trade debt.

    Metals and Steel Industry Trends Netherlands - 2022

    Market Monitor

    • Nederlandene
    • Metal,
    • Stål

    05 Sep 2022

    Still robust demand from construction, but downside risks persist.

    Metals and Steel Industry Trends India - 2022

    Market Monitor

    • Indien
    • Metal,
    • Stål

    05 Sep 2022

    Higher sales prices do not yet compensate for rise in input prices

    Metals and Steel Industry Trends France - 2022

    Market Monitor

    • Frankrig
    • Metal,
    • Stål

    05 Sep 2022

    Only a slight increase in business failures expected


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