
Kansainvälinen Perintä käsikirjan Suomi 2021


  • Suomi
  • maataloussektori,
  • auto- ja kuljetussektori,

11 lokakuuta 2021

Handbook magazine

Kansainvälinen Perintä Käsikirja on avain työkalu yrityksille, mitä tulee päätöksentekoon perintää koskien ulkomailla.


Pysy päivitettynä ajankohtaisimmista uutisista, päivityksistä ja oivaltavista näkemyksistä kauppaveloista ja kaupallisesta perinnästä kaikkialla maailmassa, Atradius Collectionsin asiantuntijoiden kautta.

Toimialojen Suoriutumisennuste Maittain

Nopea yleissilmäys 14 eri toimialan lähitulevaisuuden näkymiin 30 maassa.

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Suodata maittain


Suodata toimialoittain

avainsanan mukaan

Suodata avainsanan mukaan

    Näytetään 461-470 of 992 kohdetta

    Market Monitor Food Denmark 2019


    • Tanska
    • elintarviketeollisuus

    17 joulukuuta 2019

    While several Brexit postponenements have provided food exporters with sufficient time to adapt, small retailers suffer from market price pressure.

    Market Monitor Metals and Steel United Kingdom 2019


    • Iso-Britannia
    • metalliteollisuus,
    • terästeollisuus

    26 marraskuuta 2019

    Domestic metals and steel demand is increasingly affected by subdued investment in the construction sector and a marked demand slowdown from automotive.

    Market Monitor Metals and Steel Germany 2019


    • Saksa
    • metalliteollisuus,
    • terästeollisuus

    26 marraskuuta 2019

    Many businesses suffer from decreasing demand from key buyer sectors, high commodity prices, overcapacity, strong competition, and low profitability.

    Market Monitor Metals and Steel USA 2019


    • USA
    • metalliteollisuus,
    • terästeollisuus

    26 marraskuuta 2019

    A modest increase in payment delays cannot be ruled out in the coming 12 months, but no substantial insolvency increase is expected for the industry.

    Market Monitor Metals and Steel China 2019


    • Kiina
    • metalliteollisuus,
    • terästeollisuus

    26 marraskuuta 2019

    The number of protracted payments and insolvencies was high in 2019, and is expected to increase further in 2020, mainly affecting private-owned producers.

    Market Monitor Metals and Steel France 2019


    • Ranska
    • metalliteollisuus,
    • terästeollisuus

    26 marraskuuta 2019

    Payment delays and business failures are expected to increase modestly in the coming twelve months, especially in the metal manufacturing segment.

    Market Monitor Metals and Steel Italy 2019


    • Italia
    • metalliteollisuus,
    • terästeollisuus

    26 marraskuuta 2019

    For many businesses both demand and profit margins are expected to deteriorate further, with a moderate rebound expected in H2 of 2020 at the earliest.

    Market Monitor Metals and Steel Canada 2019


    • Kanada
    • metalliteollisuus,
    • terästeollisuus

    26 marraskuuta 2019

    The sector benefits from the lift of US import tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminium, with profit margins of steel businesses expected to improve again.

    Market Monitor Metals and Steel Belgium 2019


    • Belgia
    • metalliteollisuus,
    • terästeollisuus

    26 marraskuuta 2019

    Demand for metals and steel is currently impacted by the slowdown in demand from automotive and reduced investment from other manufacturing industries.

    Market Monitor Metals and Steel India 2019


    • Intia
    • metalliteollisuus,
    • terästeollisuus

    26 marraskuuta 2019

    Due to a high level of non-performing assets in the sector banks are now unwilling to provide credit to the industry, causing additional liquidity issues.


    The statements made herein are provided solely for general informational purposes and should not be relied upon for any purpose. Please refer to the actual policy or the relevant product or services agreement for the governing terms. Nothing herein should be construed to create any right, obligation, advice or responsibility on the part of Atradius, including any obligation to conduct due diligence of buyers or on your behalf. If Atradius does conduct due diligence on any buyer it is for its own underwriting purposes and not for the benefit of the insured or any other person. Additionally, in no event shall Atradius and its related, affiliated and subsidiary companies be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use of the statements made information herein.