
Kansainvälinen Perintä käsikirjan Suomi 2021


  • Suomi
  • maataloussektori,
  • auto- ja kuljetussektori,

11 lokakuuta 2021

Handbook magazine

Kansainvälinen Perintä Käsikirja on avain työkalu yrityksille, mitä tulee päätöksentekoon perintää koskien ulkomailla.


Pysy päivitettynä ajankohtaisimmista uutisista, päivityksistä ja oivaltavista näkemyksistä kauppaveloista ja kaupallisesta perinnästä kaikkialla maailmassa, Atradius Collectionsin asiantuntijoiden kautta.

Toimialojen Suoriutumisennuste Maittain

Nopea yleissilmäys 14 eri toimialan lähitulevaisuuden näkymiin 30 maassa.

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Suodata maittain


Suodata toimialoittain

avainsanan mukaan

Suodata avainsanan mukaan

    Näytetään 981-992 of 992 kohdetta

    Market Monitor - Automotive industry - China


    • Kiina
    • auto- ja kuljetussektori

    01 lokakuuta 2014

    Although China ́s economic growth is forecast to slow down in 2014, there are many positive catalysts for the car industry , and we expect a second straight year of strong growth.

    Country Report Russia


    • Venäjä
    • maataloussektori,
    • auto- ja kuljetussektori,

    01 syyskuuta 2014

    Russia ́s fiscal position still looks robust. Public debt has been relatively stable at 8% since the global credit crisis of 2008/2009 and is even set to decline in 2015.

    Market Monitor: Focus on the steel industry - Germany


    • Saksa
    • terästeollisuus

    01 syyskuuta 2014

    The German steel sector is profiting from robust domestic demand, mainly from the construction and automotive industries, with apparent steel use expected to grow 4.5% in 2014.

    Market Monitor - Focus on the steel industry - India


    • Intia
    • terästeollisuus

    01 syyskuuta 2014

    On average, payments in the Indian steel/metals industry have remained unchanged since last year, taking between 60 and 90 days.

    Trade successfully with the Czech Republic

    Vinkit vientiin

    • Tšekin tasavalta
    • maataloussektori,
    • auto- ja kuljetussektori,

    01 heinäkuuta 2014

    Trade successfully with the Czech Republic looks at ten principles that those seeking to expand into the Czech Republic should follow to avoid some of the pitfalls of trading in untried territory.

    Trade successfully with the UAE

    Vinkit vientiin

    • Yhdistyneet Arabiemiirikunnat
    • maataloussektori,
    • auto- ja kuljetussektori,

    01 huhtikuuta 2014

    When trading with UAE, foreign exporters need to consider the deep cultural and religious basis of life there. Trade successfully with UAE is designed to help exporters expand into this vibrant market

    Trade successfully with Mexico

    Vinkit vientiin

    • Meksiko
    • maataloussektori,
    • auto- ja kuljetussektori,

    17 heinäkuuta 2013

    'Trade successfully with' reports highlight the opportunities that emerging markets offer foreign exporters, and the steps to take to avoid the pitfalls of trading in new and unknown territories.

    Trade successfully with Indonesia

    Vinkit vientiin

    • Indonesia
    • maataloussektori,
    • auto- ja kuljetussektori,

    10 huhtikuuta 2013

    Indonesia offers a wealth of business opportunities if you approach the market in the right way. The principles underlined in this report look at how a successful trading relationship can be achieved.

    Trade successfully with Brazil

    Vinkit vientiin

    • Brasilia
    • maataloussektori,
    • auto- ja kuljetussektori,

    14 marraskuuta 2012

    Doing business in Brazil can be challenging if you’re not used to the local business environment. The ten principles set out in this report can help make trading relationships lasting and successful.

    Trade successfully with China

    Vinkit vientiin

    • Kiina
    • maataloussektori,
    • auto- ja kuljetussektori,

    15 toukokuuta 2012

    China is a major economic and trading power. Trade successfully with China sets out ten simple-to-follow rules that can help make your trading relationships with China lasting and successful.

    Trade successfully with Turkey

    Vinkit vientiin

    • Turkki
    • maataloussektori,
    • auto- ja kuljetussektori,

    10 tammikuuta 2012

    Turkey has traditionally been a strong trade partner for both Europe and Asia. The ten principles underlined in this report look at how a successful trading relationship can be achieved.

    Trade successfully with Russia

    Vinkit vientiin

    • Venäjä
    • maataloussektori,
    • auto- ja kuljetussektori,

    16 toukokuuta 2011

    Russia remains an important market in the global economy. The ten easy to follow principles of the report are meant to help businesses mitigate risks when exporting to Russia.


    The statements made herein are provided solely for general informational purposes and should not be relied upon for any purpose. Please refer to the actual policy or the relevant product or services agreement for the governing terms. Nothing herein should be construed to create any right, obligation, advice or responsibility on the part of Atradius, including any obligation to conduct due diligence of buyers or on your behalf. If Atradius does conduct due diligence on any buyer it is for its own underwriting purposes and not for the benefit of the insured or any other person. Additionally, in no event shall Atradius and its related, affiliated and subsidiary companies be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use of the statements made information herein.