
Rapporti di recupero crediti

Avere accesso alle informazioni commerciali globali attraverso le pubblicazioni di Atradius Collections, che comprendono le guide: International Debt Collections e Global Collections Review.

Tendenze settoriali nel mondo

Approfondite i rischi e le tendenze dei principali settori in oltre 30 paesi. Questa analisi si basa sulle informazioni raccolte dagli analisti Atradius.

Атрадиус Прогноза по индустрии


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    Metals and Steel Industry Trends China - 2022

    Market Monitor

    • Cina
    • Metalli ,
    • Acciaio

    05 settembre 2022

    Lockdowns and woes in the real estate sector weigh on the industry

    Metals and Steel Industry Trends Germany - 2022

    Market Monitor

    • Germania
    • Metalli ,
    • Acciaio

    05 settembre 2022

    Gas supply is the key issue

    Metals and Steel Industry Trends United Kingdom - 2022

    Market Monitor

    • Regno Unito
    • Metalli ,
    • Acciaio

    05 settembre 2022

    Payment delays and defaults have started to increase in the industry

    Metals and Steel Industry Trends Italy - 2022

    Market Monitor

    • Italia
    • Metalli ,
    • Acciaio

    05 settembre 2022

    Many businesses are financially resilient after a good performance in 2021

    Metals and Steel Industry Trends United States - 2022

    Market Monitor

    • Stati Uniti d'America
    • Metalli ,
    • Acciaio

    05 settembre 2022

    Robust demand situation set to continue

    Metals and Steel Industry Trends Czech Republic - 2022

    Market Monitor

    • Repubblica Ceca
    • Metalli ,
    • Acciaio

    05 settembre 2022

    Shortage of gas supplies is a major downside risk

    Metals and Steel Industry Trends Poland - 2022

    Market Monitor

    • Polonia
    • Metalli ,
    • Acciaio

    05 settembre 2022

    Financially resilient businesses, but downside risks loom

    Metals and Steel Industry Trends Belgium - 2022

    Market Monitor

    • Belgio
    • Metalli ,
    • Acciaio

    05 settembre 2022

    Increasing insolvencies – but from a historically low level

    Industry Trends Metals and Steel 2022

    Market Monitor

    • Belgio ,
    • Cina ,
    • Metalli ,
    • Acciaio

    05 settembre 2022

    Profit margins of many business increased in 2021, but several markets are facing major downside risks

    Obsługa procedury upadłościowej w Polsce i za granicą.

    Trend Reports

    • Polonia
    • Serv. finanziari

    02 settembre 2022

    Procedury upadłościowe często są przewlekłe i uciążliwe, a w przypadku dłużnika zagranicznego mogą wiązać się z jeszcze większym stopniem złożoności. Przedstawiamy jak możemy usprawnić ten proces.