
Rapporti di recupero crediti

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Tendenze settoriali nel mondo

Approfondite i rischi e le tendenze dei principali settori in oltre 30 paesi. Questa analisi si basa sulle informazioni raccolte dagli analisti Atradius.

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    Market Monitor ICT United Kingdom 2018

    Market Monitor

    • Regno Unito
    • ICT

    12 giugno 2018

    Despite increasing challenges a recovery of the exchange rate and a rather stable economic outlook for 2018 should help the ICT industry in the short-term.

    Market Monitor ICT Japan 2018

    Market Monitor

    • Giappone
    • ICT

    12 giugno 2018

    While many Japanese ICT businesses are highly indebted, companies obtain finance easily as banks are very willing to lend and interest rates are low.

    Market Monitor ICT Germany 2018

    Market Monitor

    • Germania
    • ICT

    12 giugno 2018

    Despite continued sales growth, most German ICT businesses operate on very tight margins due to fierce competition and price erosion in most subsectors.

    Market Monitor ICT Australia 2018

    Market Monitor

    • Australia
    • ICT

    12 giugno 2018

    Payment experience over the past two years has been good in the ICT sector and the level of insolvencies is low, with no major change expected in 2018.

    Market Monitor ICT France 2018

    Market Monitor

    • Francia
    • ICT

    12 giugno 2018

    Despite overall growth, many French ICT companies face structurally low margins, price pressure and an on-going consolidation process in the market.

    Market Monitor ICT Netherlands 2018

    Market Monitor

    • Paesi Bassi
    • ICT

    12 giugno 2018

    While Dutch ICT distributors are becoming larger, many smaller companies are changing their business model to have a more service-oriented approach.

    Market Monitor ICT India 2018

    Market Monitor

    • India
    • ICT

    12 giugno 2018

    Despite robust growth rates, pricing pressure and cheap imports are key challenges in the domestic ICT market, especially for smaller IT distributors.

    Market Monitor ICT Italy 2018

    Market Monitor

    • Italia
    • ICT

    12 giugno 2018

    Due to limited organic growth opportunities and the on-going economic uncertainty, market players strive to expand through acquisitions and specialisation.

    Market Monitor ICT United Arab Emirates 2018

    Market Monitor

    • Emirati Arabi Uniti
    • ICT

    12 giugno 2018

    Despite signs of stabilisation since H2 of 2017 the ICT sector remains fragile, with businesses’ profit margins expected to shrink further in 2018.

    Market Monitor ICT South Korea 2018

    Market Monitor

    • Corea del Sud
    • ICT

    12 giugno 2018

    Payment behaviour in the ICT sector has been good over the past two years, and the number of payment delays and insolvencies is expected to remain low.