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European companies fear increase of high-risk customers

Atradius Nyheter

26 Oct 2016

Amsterdam, 26 October, 2016 - Atradius Collections releases 10th edition of the Global Collections Review examining the collections behaviour of companies across 30 countries.

APAC: cash flow protection tops businesses' agenda


20 Oct 2016

Amsterdam, 20 October, 2016 - Payment Practices Barometer Asia Pacific shows that around 90% of the suppliers surveyed experienced late payment of invoices from their B2B customers.

Ten principles for export success to China


12 Oct 2016

Amsterdam, 12th of October, 2016 - To help exporters maximize their chances of business success in China, Atradius Credit Insurance has published the ''Trade successfully with China'' guide.

Iberinform acquires an 80% share in Ignios


29 Sep 2016

Madrid, 29th of September, 2016 - Iberinform acquired an 80% share in Portuguese company Ignios and its subsidiary Gestifatura.

Insolvency outlook deteriorates in NAFTA and Brazil


28 Sep 2016

Baltimore, 28th of September, 2016

Atradius acquires Graydon


19 Sep 2016

Amsterdam, 19th of September, 2016 - Atradius acquires Graydon - strengthens collections and information services offering companies aligned in goal to develop information and technology.

Atradius Collections partners with BGŻ BNP Paribas


15 Jul 2016

Atradius Collections and PNB Paribas joined forces. Customers of PNB Paribas will benefit from additional support and tailored solutions.

United Kingdom votes to leave the European Union


24 Jun 2016

Amsterdam, June 24th 2016 - After weeks of speculation the future path for the United Kingdom’s relationship with the European Union is confirmed.

The 10th International Debt Collections Handbook is out


23 Jun 2016

The 10th edition of the International Debt Collections Handbook, explains the different stages of amicable settlement, laws around collections, legal proceedings and insolvency procedures.

Atradius Collections strengthens its presence in India


14 Mar 2016

Atradius Collections announces the opening of a new office in Mumbai, India. The company continues to expand into new markets, strengthening its global market position.


Martijn Brouwer
Commercial Director

1006 JD Amsterdam
David Ricardostraat 1
Postbus 8982

Tel: +31 (0)20 553 3188


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