
International Debt Collections Handbook

Internationell inkassohandbok

  • Argentina,
  • Australia,
  • Agriculture,
  • Automotive/Transport,

11 Oct 2021

Handbook magazine

The International Debt Collections Handbook is a key tool for businesses when it comes to making decisions concerning collections in foreign countries.

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Få tillgång till en ögonblicksbild av kreditrisk och branschutveckling för 14 större branscher i över 25 länder. Prognosen baseras på Atradius underwriters bedömning.

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    US: trade credit use on the rise amid economic distress


    • USA
    • Agriculture,
    • Electronics/ICT,

    07 Jul 2021

    Particularly during times of economic distress, which many businesses have experienced during the pandemic, trade credit can act as an important tool for business growth.

    Taiwan: export-focused businesses express caution


    • Taiwan
    • Chemicals/Pharma,
    • Electronics/ICT,

    16 Jun 2021

    The negative impact on global trade caused by the pandemic has undoubtedly had an effect on Taiwan’s export-driven economy. This may explain why businesses express caution about the coming months.

    Hong Kong: businesses brace for challenges ahead


    • Hong Kong
    • Consumer Durables,
    • Electronics/ICT,

    16 Jun 2021

    Hong Kong businesses brace for challenges as they begin to emerge from a tough period of economic contraction.

    Indonesia: businesses hit hard by B2B late payments


    • Indonesia
    • Agriculture,
    • Chemicals/Pharma,

    16 Jun 2021

    Indonesia’s more liberal trade credit policies in the year following the outbreak of the pandemic have led to an increase in late payments.

    China: use of credit insurance on the rise


    • China
    • Agriculture,
    • Chemicals/Pharma,

    16 Jun 2021

    Businesses polled in China plan to mitigate customer credit risk associated with B2B trade through a more frequent use of trade credit insurance over the next months.

    Singapore: signs of market stress among businesses


    • Singapore
    • Agriculture,
    • Chemicals/Pharma,

    16 Jun 2021

    Many more businesses in Singapore than in the rest of Asia expressed liquidity concerns over the coming months.

    Australia: businesses brace for an insolvency surge


    • Australia
    • Agriculture,
    • Chemicals/Pharma,

    16 Jun 2021

    Why strategic credit management becomes paramount as Australia prepares to face an upward trend in trade credit risk.

    UAE: DSO upward trend worries businesses


    • United Arab Emirates
    • Agriculture,
    • Chemicals/Pharma,

    16 Jun 2021

    Due to increased costs of managing accounts receivable and a spike in late payments, most of the businesses in the United Arab Emirates are concerned about cash flow levels going forward.

    Asia: half of all credit sales overdue during pandemic


    • China,
    • Hong Kong,
    • Agriculture,
    • Chemicals/Pharma,

    16 Jun 2021

    One year into the pandemic, businesses polled in Asia told us they experienced serious setbacks to growth and needed to take several measures to face the changed economic and trade circumstances.

    Country Report France - June 2021


    • France
    • Agriculture,
    • Automotive/Transport,

    14 Jun 2021

    French industries performance: upgrades for some sectors, but the credit risk for many businesses in key industries remains high.


    De uppgifter som lämnas här tillhandahålls endast i informationssyfte och bör inte läggas till grund för några beslut. Försäkringsvillkoren återfinns i försäkringsbrevet eller i avtalet om köp av produkter eller tjänster. Ingenting i detta dokument ska tolkas som att Atradius har några rättigheter eller skyldigheter, till exempel skyldighet att genomföra due diligence-undersökningar av köpare eller för er räkning. Om Atradius genomför due diligence-undersökningar av kunder gör vi det som en del av vår bedömningsprocess och inte för den försäkrades eller någon annan persons räkning. Atradius och dess närstående företag, dotterföretag eller intresseföretag har heller inte under några omständigheter något ansvar för direkta, indirekta, särskilda eller oavsiktliga skador eller följdskador som uppstår till följd av informationen i detta dokument.