
International Debt Collections Handbook

Internationell inkassohandbok

  • Argentina,
  • Australia,
  • Agriculture,
  • Automotive/Transport,

11 Oct 2021

Handbook magazine

The International Debt Collections Handbook is a key tool for businesses when it comes to making decisions concerning collections in foreign countries.

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    Western Europe: businesses' financial stability at risk


    • Austria,
    • Belgium,
    • Automotive/Transport,
    • Construction,

    22 Oct 2019

    As economic growth decelerates, and the manufacturing sector struggles amid lower global trade, Western Europe expects to close the year with a 2.7% increase in insolvencies.

    Country Report Russia 2019


    • Russia
    • General economic

    15 Oct 2019

    Insolvencies are rising, and structural weaknesses and the negative impact of sanctions on productivity and investment weigh on the economic expansion.

    Country Report Turkey 2019


    • Turkey
    • General economic

    15 Oct 2019

    Due to the recent economic downturn the credit risk situation of some major industries has deteriorated, and insolvencies are expected to increase.

    Country Report Poland 2019


    • Poland
    • General economic

    15 Oct 2019

    Worries over the impact of adverse external factors like US import tariffs and the Brexit decision on Polish export and investment growth remain.

    Country Report Greece 2019


    • Greece
    • General economic

    15 Oct 2019

    In 2020 household consumption is expected to accelerate, sustained by further decreasing unemployment, low inflation, and a minimum wage increase.

    Country Report Czech Republic 2019


    • Czech Republic
    • General economic

    15 Oct 2019

    The economy is highly integrated into international value chains, making it vulnerable to major foreign trade losses, especially in the automotive sector.

    Country Report Hungary 2019


    • Hungary
    • General economic

    15 Oct 2019

    The forint remains vulnerable to international investors’ sentiment due to the elevated external and public debt levels and institutional issues.

    Country Report Slovakia 2019


    • Slovakia
    • General economic

    15 Oct 2019

    As the economy is reliant on automotive-related exports to the Eurozone, especially to Germany, it is vulnerable to adverse developments in the industry.

    Country Report Romania 2019


    • Rumänien
    • General economic

    15 Oct 2019

    The currency is subject to some volatility, and the country is vulnerable to capital outflows should there be adverse internal or external developments.

    Country Report Bulgaria 2019


    • Bulgaria
    • General economic

    15 Oct 2019

    Political instability remains an issue for the long-term economic growth prospects, while corruption and red tape still hamper the business environment.


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