
International Debt Collections Handbook

Internationell inkassohandbok

  • Argentina,
  • Australia,
  • Agriculture,
  • Automotive/Transport,

11 Oct 2021

Handbook magazine

The International Debt Collections Handbook is a key tool for businesses when it comes to making decisions concerning collections in foreign countries.

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    Natural gas prices have reached a turning point

    Ekonomiska rapporter

    • Algeriet,
    • Angola,
    • General economic

    24 Jan 2017

    Gas prices have bottomed out and Atradius expects them to increase over the period up to 2021. Demand will be more moderate, but fueled primarily by China.

    Market Monitor Food Belgium 2016


    • Belgium
    • Food

    02 Dec 2016

    The demand situation is benign, but food businesses continue to suffer from margin pressure due to high labour and energy costs and stiff competition.

    Market Monitor Food Germany 2016


    • Germany
    • Food

    02 Dec 2016

    While German food exports continue to increase, domestic market conditions have become increasingly difficult. Overcapacity is an issue in some segments.

    Market Monitor Food Netherlands 2016


    • Netherlands
    • Food

    02 Dec 2016

    Smaller food retailer and wholesalers margins remain under pressure and are expected to lose further market share, while customer behaviour is changing.

    Market Monitor Food USA 2016


    • USA
    • Food

    02 Dec 2016

    The current trend of merger and acquisition towards a subsequent consolidation in the US food market is expected to accelerate in the coming years.

    Market Monitor Food France 2016


    • France
    • Food

    02 Dec 2016

    Exports are of major importance for the French food sector (especially for the beverages segment), positively contributing to the French trade balance.

    Market Monitor Food Ireland 2016


    • Ireland
    • Food

    02 Dec 2016

    Sector risks have increased after the Brexit decision, and exporters to the UK have already suffered shrinking margins due to currency volatility.

    Market Monitor Food Poland 2016


    • Poland
    • Food

    02 Dec 2016

    Business failures in the Polish food retail segment have increased in 2016, as mainly smaller players suffer from fierce competition and low margins.

    Market Monitor Food Denmark 2016


    • Denmark
    • Food

    02 Dec 2016

    Large food businesses are active globally and performing well, while smaller producers and wholesalers generally face tough competition and low margins.

    Market Monitor Food Hungary 2016


    • Hungary
    • Food

    02 Dec 2016

    Gearing of food businesses is generally high, and can be a significant risk for companies with weak profitability and focus on the domestic market.


    De uppgifter som lämnas här tillhandahålls endast i informationssyfte och bör inte läggas till grund för några beslut. Försäkringsvillkoren återfinns i försäkringsbrevet eller i avtalet om köp av produkter eller tjänster. Ingenting i detta dokument ska tolkas som att Atradius har några rättigheter eller skyldigheter, till exempel skyldighet att genomföra due diligence-undersökningar av köpare eller för er räkning. Om Atradius genomför due diligence-undersökningar av kunder gör vi det som en del av vår bedömningsprocess och inte för den försäkrades eller någon annan persons räkning. Atradius och dess närstående företag, dotterföretag eller intresseföretag har heller inte under några omständigheter något ansvar för direkta, indirekta, särskilda eller oavsiktliga skador eller följdskador som uppstår till följd av informationen i detta dokument.