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    B2B payment practices trend, Germany 2023

    Barómetro de Prácticas de Pago

    • Alemania
    • Productos químicos/Farmacéutica,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    24 may 2023

    German companies reported increased reliance on trade credit in B2B transactions to cushion impact of tighter monetary policy on the business.

    B2B payment practices trend, United Kingdom 2023

    Barómetro de Prácticas de Pago

    • United Kingdom
    • Bienes de consumo duraderos,
    • Agricultura,

    24 may 2023

    A strong deterioration in the trade credit risk landscape for UK companies was shown by a series of trends in our survey. One major issue was a marked increase in late payments and bad debts.

    B2B payment practices trend, Sweden 2023

    Barómetro de Prácticas de Pago

    • Sweden
    • Productos químicos/Farmacéutica,
    • Bienes de consumo duraderos,

    24 may 2023

    Swedish companies have strong concerns looking ahead about how they will be affected by new regulations related to European and global climate change goals.

    B2B payment practices trend, Ireland 2023

    Barómetro de Prácticas de Pago

    • Irlanda
    • Construcción,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    24 may 2023

    A sharp worsening of B2B customers' payment practices during the past months prompted a range of actions in response by companies polled in Ireland.

    B2B payment practices trend, France 2023

    Barómetro de Prácticas de Pago

    • Francia
    • Bienes de consumo duraderos,
    • Agricultura,

    24 may 2023

    French businesses polled across various sectors acknowledged the value-added benefits of strategic credit management in the current volatile and extremely unpredictable economic environment.

    B2B payment practices trend, Switzerland 2023

    Barómetro de Prácticas de Pago

    • Switzerland
    • Electrónica / TIC,
    • Metales,

    24 may 2023

    Swiss companies express anxiety about the impact of exchange rate swings on the business. They fear that it will create pressure on both export demand and on operating margins.

    B2B payment practices trend, Spain 2023

    Barómetro de Prácticas de Pago

    • Spain
    • Agricultura,
    • Alimento,

    24 may 2023

    As the economy faces headwinds chiefly due to weak domestic demand, uncertain exports trend and high borrowings costs, Spanish businesses withstand trade credit risk to strengthen cashflow.

    B2B payment practices trend, The Netherlands 2023

    Barómetro de Prácticas de Pago

    • Netherlands
    • Construcción,
    • Bienes de consumo duraderos,

    24 may 2023

    Dutch companies’ response to a gradual decline in payment morale of B2B customers during the past months was sharper focus on working capital management.

    B2B payment practices trend, Denmark 2023

    Barómetro de Prácticas de Pago

    • Dinamarca
    • Electrónica / TIC,
    • Productos químicos/Farmacéutica,

    24 may 2023

    Sharp downward trend in B2B sales on credit of Danish companies. Key factors are weak domestic demand, strong export headwinds and enhanced perception of the risk of B2B payment default.

    B2B payment practices trends, Western Europe 2023

    Barómetro de Prácticas de Pago

    • Austria,
    • Belgica,
    • Agricultura,
    • Bienes de consumo duraderos,

    24 may 2023

    The Atradius Payment Practices Barometer is an annual survey of business-to-business (B2B) payment practices in markets across the world. These are the 2023 survey findings for Western Europe.