
Informes sobre Cobro de Deudas

Acceda a los datos de cobro de deuda a nivel global mediante las publicaciones de AC, incluyendo el Manual de Cobro de Deudas Internacionales, el Estudio Global sobre Cobro y el Informe de Evolución del Sector.

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    International Debt Collections Handbook

    • Argentina,
    • Australia,
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    01 ene 2018

    The International Debt Collections Handbook is a key tool for businesses when it comes to making decisions concerning collections in foreign countries.

    Global Economic Outlook - November 2017

    Investigación económica

    • Argelia,
    • Angola,
    • Económico general

    21 nov 2017

    Global economic momentum, which began picking up in H2 of 2016, has solidified through the year. However, now is not a time for complacency.

    Market Monitor Steel China 2017

    Monitor de Mercado

    • China
    • Metales,
    • Acero

    14 nov 2017

    Overcapacity remains the main challenge, as the rebalancing of the economy from investment and export-driven growth towards private consumption continues.

    Market Monitor Machines USA 2017

    Monitor de Mercado

    • USA
    • Máquinas/Ingeniería

    31 oct 2017

    Revenues of the engineering services industry have rebounded since 2015 as greater liquidity in financial markets helped to boost construction spending.

    Market Monitor Machines United Kingdom 2017

    Monitor de Mercado

    • United Kingdom
    • Máquinas/Ingeniería

    31 oct 2017

    While UK business insolvencies are forecast to increase in 2017 and 2018, the machinery sector is not expected to follow this deteriorating trend.

    Market Monitor Machines China 2017

    Monitor de Mercado

    • China
    • Máquinas/Ingeniería

    31 oct 2017

    Lower demand from key buyer industries and high overcapacity has led to decreasing net profit margins for some businesses over the last two years.

    Market Monitor Machines France 2017

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Francia
    • Máquinas/Ingeniería

    31 oct 2017

    Profit margins have increased over the last 12 months due to the benign business environment, however, a slight decline cannot be ruled out in the future.

    Market Monitor Machines Italy 2017

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Italy
    • Máquinas/Ingeniería

    31 oct 2017

    Profit margins of machinery businesses rebounded in 2016 and are expected to improve further, but competition remains strong in the domestic market.

    Market Monitor Machines Indonesia 2017

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Indonesia
    • Máquinas/Ingeniería

    31 oct 2017

    As competition is fierce in the domestic market price wars cannot be ruled out, particularly among businesses operating in the lower quality segment.

    Market Monitor Machines Denmark 2017

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Dinamarca
    • Máquinas/Ingeniería

    31 oct 2017

    Key success factors for Danish machinery businesses remains their ability to streamline costs and investment in product development/new technology.