
Informes sobre Cobro de Deudas

Acceda a los datos de cobro de deuda a nivel global mediante las publicaciones de AC, incluyendo el Manual de Cobro de Deudas Internacionales, el Estudio Global sobre Cobro y el Informe de Evolución del Sector.

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    Market Monitor Construction Spain 2017

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Spain
    • Construcción

    14 feb 2017

    Construction payment delays and insolvencies have decreased, mainly because financially weak players already left the market during the past downturn.

    Market Monitor Construction Sweden 2017

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Sweden
    • Construcción

    14 feb 2017

    Value added construction growth is expected to grow by more than 2.5% in 2017, but due to fierce competition many smaller players have low margins.

    Market Monitor Construction UAE 2017

    Monitor de Mercado

    • United Arab Emirates
    • Construcción

    14 feb 2017

    After rising in 2016, non-payments are expected to increase further in the coming six months, while business closures are also increasing further.

    Oil market finally approaching balance?

    Investigación económica

    • Argelia,
    • Angola,
    • Económico general

    07 feb 2017

    The price of oil has stabilised, largely thanks to OPEC’s shift in policy. The market is expected to rebalance in 2018 driving up prices in the medium term.

    Country Report China 2017

    Reporte por país

    • China
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    31 ene 2017

    The on-going economic slowdown, overcapacities and high indebtedness of many businesses will lead to further increasing business insolvencies in 2017.

    Country Report India 2017

    Reporte por país

    • India
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    31 ene 2017

    India’s economic growth outlook for 2017 remains robust, but a rather weak banking sector and high foreign indebtedness of domestic firms remain concerns.

    Country Report Indonesia 2017

    Reporte por país

    • Indonesia
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    31 ene 2017

    Despite an expected GDP growth rate of more than 5% in 2017 structural weaknesses remain, and firms are increasingly vulnerable to currency volatility.

    Country Report Japan 2017

    Reporte por país

    • Japan
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    31 ene 2017

    Subdued economic growth despite massive stimulus measures remains an issue, while exports are helped by a yen depreciation against the USD in 2017.

    Country Report Malaysia 2017

    Reporte por país

    • Malaysia
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    31 ene 2017

    A prudent fiscal policy has limited the consequences of low oil and gas prices, but the economy is vulnerable to a hard landing of the Chinese economy.

    Country Report The Philippines 2017

    Reporte por país

    • Philippines
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    31 ene 2017

    GDP growth is expected to remain at a level of about 6% in 2017, but growing political uncertainty could hamper business sentiment and foreign investment.

    Country Report Singapore 2017

    Reporte por país

    • Singapore
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    31 ene 2017

    In 2017 the economic performance continues to be impacted by weaker demand from China and other Asian countries, but strong fundamentals remain.

    Country Report South Korea 2017

    Reporte por país

    • Corea del Sur
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    31 ene 2017

    Growing political uncertainty after the president´s impeachment, subdued private consumption, and lower exports to China weigh on economic growth.

    Country Report Taiwan 2017

    Reporte por país

    • Taiwan
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    31 ene 2017

    Growing competition from mainland China in the electronics sector require productivity increases and a diversification of the economy in the long-term.

    Country Report Thailand 2017

    Reporte por país

    • Thailand
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    31 ene 2017

    GDP is forecast to grow about 3% in 2017, but high household debt, inequality and low incomes will put downward pressure on consumption growth.

    Country Report Vietnam 2017

    Reporte por país

    • Vietnam
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    31 ene 2017

    High growth of more than 6% in 2017, but economic fundamentals still show some weaknesses and Vietnamese businesses suffer from limited access to capital.

    Natural gas prices have reached a turning point

    Investigación económica

    • Argelia,
    • Angola,
    • Económico general

    24 ene 2017

    Gas prices have bottomed out and Atradius expects them to increase over the period up to 2021. Demand will be more moderate, but fueled primarily by China.

    Market Monitor Food Belgium 2016

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Belgica
    • Alimento

    02 dic 2016

    The demand situation is benign, but food businesses continue to suffer from margin pressure due to high labour and energy costs and stiff competition.

    Market Monitor Food Germany 2016

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Alemania
    • Alimento

    02 dic 2016

    While German food exports continue to increase, domestic market conditions have become increasingly difficult. Overcapacity is an issue in some segments.

    Market Monitor Food Netherlands 2016

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Netherlands
    • Alimento

    02 dic 2016

    Smaller food retailer and wholesalers margins remain under pressure and are expected to lose further market share, while customer behaviour is changing.

    Market Monitor Food USA 2016

    Monitor de Mercado

    • USA
    • Alimento

    02 dic 2016

    The current trend of merger and acquisition towards a subsequent consolidation in the US food market is expected to accelerate in the coming years.