
Informes sobre Cobro de Deudas

Acceda a los datos de cobro de deuda a nivel global mediante las publicaciones de AC, incluyendo el Manual de Cobro de Deudas Internacionales, el Estudio Global sobre Cobro y el Informe de Evolución del Sector.

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    Market Monitor- Focus on automotive performance - Japan

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Japan
    • Automoción/Transporte

    01 oct 2015

    Japanese automotive businesses´profit margins have generally improved, mainly due to higher sales in North America.

    Market Monitor - Focus on automotive performance - USA

    Monitor de Mercado

    • USA
    • Automoción/Transporte

    01 oct 2015

    Payment behaviour in the US automotive sector has been rather good over the past two years.

    CEE Country Report - Turkey

    Reporte por país

    • Turkey
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    21 sep 2015

    Inflation is expected to remain high in 2015, at around 7%, while the current account deficit is expected to remain at the same level as in 2014 (5.7% of GDP).

    CEE Country Report - Poland

    Reporte por país

    • Poland
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    21 sep 2015

    The Polish economy is expected to benefit from low energy prices and the rebound in the Eurozone, with GDP expected to grow 3.5% in 2015, based on robust domestic demand and increasing exports.

    CEE Country Report - Hungary

    Reporte por país

    • Hungria
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    21 sep 2015

    Economic growth is expected to continue in 2015 and 2016, although at a slower pace: by 3.0% and 2.4% respectively.

    Market Monitor - Focus on steel and metals - UK

    Monitor de Mercado

    • United Kingdom
    • Metales,
    • Acero

    10 sep 2015

    Lower construction growth and overcapacity affect the sector, but the outlook for 2016 has improved.

    Market Monitor - Focus on steel and metals - Italy

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Italy
    • Metales,
    • Acero

    10 sep 2015

    The outlook for the industry remains subdued, with many Smaller steel mills struggling with poor operating margins.

    Market Monitor - Focus on steel and metals - Canada

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Canada
    • Metales,
    • Acero

    10 sep 2015

    Competition in the sector is high, and there are clear signs of price wars as the industry is struggling with overcapacity and weaker demand.

    Market Monitor - Focus on steel and metals - Belgium

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Belgica
    • Metales,
    • Acero

    10 sep 2015

    Structural overcapacity in the industry had a negative effect on businesses´ profit margins in 2014, and this negative trend is expected to continue in 2015.

    Country Report Australia

    Reporte por país

    • Australia
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    03 ago 2015

    In 2015, Australian business insolvencies are expected to increase slightly by 2% as economic growth slows down and the mining industry faces mounting troubles.

    Market Monitor - Focus on machinery - Italy

    Monitor de Mercado

    • Italy
    • Máquinas/Ingeniería

    31 jul 2015

    The outlook for the machinery industry is promising, as the Italian economy is expected to grow 0.6% in 2015 and 0.9% in 2016 after two years of contraction.

    MENA Country Report - UAE

    Reporte por país

    • United Arab Emirates
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    02 jul 2015

    Despite the UAE’s overall diversification, the lower oil price is expected to take its toll on economic growth.

    MENA Country Report - Tunisia

    Reporte por país

    • Tunisia
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    02 jul 2015

    Tunisia’s economy is expected to grow moderately in 2015 and 2016, supported by increased demand from the eurozone.

    MENA Country Report - Saudi Arabia

    Reporte por país

    • Saudi Arabia
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    02 jul 2015

    Saudi Arabia’s GDP growth is expected to slow down to 3.0% in 2015 following a growth of 3.6% in 2014.

    MENA Country Report - Morocco

    Reporte por país

    • Marruecos
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    02 jul 2015

    An expected rebound in agriculture will lead to higher GDP growth in 2015, forecast to increase 4.6%. Growth is also sustained by increasing exports, mainly to the eurozone.

    MENA Country Report - Kuwait

    Reporte por país

    • Kuwait
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    02 jul 2015

    In 2015, Kuwait's economic growth is expected to decrease to 1.7% due to the lower oil price and decreased oil production.

    Country Report Japan 2015

    Reporte por país

    • Japan
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    30 jun 2015

    Despite its growing economy, Japan faces major demographic challenges. There is an urgent need to make the labour market more flexible to achieve a sustainable rebound and boost economic performance.

    Country Report United Kingdom

    Reporte por país

    • United Kingdom
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    01 jun 2015

    The UK economy expanded by 2.6% in 2014, the fastest pace of growth since 2007. While consumer spending was the main driver, real fixed investments also increased.

    Country Report The Netherlands

    Reporte por país

    • Netherlands
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    01 jun 2015

    The rebound of the Dutch economy is expected to accelerate in 2015, with export growth accompanied by a recovery in private consumption, industrial production and investment.

    Country Report Ireland

    Reporte por país

    • Irlanda
    • Agricultura,
    • Automoción/Transporte,

    01 jun 2015

    In 2015, Ireland’s economy is forecast to grow by 3.6%, backed by exports to the US and UK where demand is picking up. Private consumption is expected to increase further.