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    Pokaż 361-380 z 992 takich pozycji

    Country Report Turkey March 2021

    Country report

    • Turcja
    • Inne

    25 03 2021

    Turkey's economic policy at the crossroads again, while lira volatility and high inflation remain key issues, and non-performing loans increase

    2021: A turn of the tide in insolvencies

    Badania ekonomiczne / Dane ekonomiczne

    • Australia,
    • Austria,
    • Inne

    24 03 2021

    As fiscal support is gradually phased out, global corporate insolvencies are forecast to increase by 26% in 2021

    Country Report Poland March 2021

    Country report

    • Polska
    • Inne

    18 03 2021

    Poland's economy: a solid 3.8% growth outlook in 2021 and rebound of some industries, while credit risk for transport, retail and services remains high

    Country Report China March 2021

    Country report

    • Chiny
    • Inne

    09 03 2021

    China's economy: a strong rebound forecast in 2021, but ongoing Sino-US trade disputes and increasing political strains with the US remain a downside risk

    Country Report Russia March 2021

    Country report

    • Federacja Rosyjska
    • Inne

    04 03 2021

    Major structural weaknesses weigh on growth prospects

    Country Report Mexico, March 2021

    Country report

    • Meksyk
    • Inne

    04 03 2021

    Only a modest economic rebound expected in 2021 after a steep recession last year

    Country Report USA 2021

    Country report

    • Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki
    • Inne

    08 02 2021

    A robust economic rebound expected in 2021, but major downside risks remain

    Global Economic Outlook - February 2021

    Badania ekonomiczne / Dane ekonomiczne

    • Algieria,
    • Angola,
    • Inne

    04 02 2021

    As several vaccines have been approved and are being rolled out, we expect the global economy to rebound in 2021

    Promising markets for 2021

    Badania ekonomiczne / Dane ekonomiczne

    • Chile,
    • Egipt,
    • Inne

    01 02 2021

    After the Covid-19 pandemic sent a shockwave to the global economy, we are looking at new hope as economies are gradually reopening

    Country Report India 2021

    Country report

    • Indie
    • Inne

    21 01 2021

    The repercussions of coronavirus have hit an already weakening economy.

    Latin America: one of the worst affected by Covid-19

    Badania ekonomiczne / Dane ekonomiczne

    • Argentyna,
    • Brazylia,
    • Inne

    22 12 2020

    Heavy dependence on informal labour markets and tourism exacerbates the Covid-19 shock

    Decoupling of economies affects Asian trade development

    Badania ekonomiczne / Dane ekonomiczne

    • Chiny,
    • Indie,
    • Inne

    09 12 2020

    Asia coped relatively well with the Covid-19 pandemic and an economic recovery is expected in 2021, though with several challenges to trade in the region

    Country Report Bulgaria 2020

    Country report

    • Bulgaria
    • Inne

    02 12 2020

    Recession softened by fiscal and monetary measures

    MENA economic growth engine falters - refuel or renew

    Badania ekonomiczne / Dane ekonomiczne

    • Algieria,
    • Egipt,
    • Inne

    01 12 2020

    The coronavirus pandemic and an oil price slump are a double blow to economies in the Middle East and North Africa

    Slovakia: late payments and costs cloud 2021 outlook

    Barometr Praktyk Płatniczych

    • Słowacja
    • Rolnictwo,
    • Chemia/Farmacja,

    25 11 2020

    More businesses in Slovakia reported a negative impact on profitability than anywhere else in Eastern Europe.

    Hungary: businesses expect economy to improve in 2021

    Barometr Praktyk Płatniczych

    • Węgry
    • Rolnictwo,
    • Dobra konsumenckie,

    25 11 2020

    Despite COVID-induced economic crisis, business confidence remains upbeat moving into 2021.

    Czech Republic: trade credit slashed during pandemic

    Barometr Praktyk Płatniczych

    • Republika Czeska
    • Rolnictwo,
    • Elektronika/Technologie Komunikacyjne,

    25 11 2020

    Prior to the pandemic, trade credit was used in more than 80% of B2B sales in the Czech Republic. After the virus brought most of the world to a standstill, this plummeted to about 50%.

    Poland: trade credit grows amid 2021 business optimism

    Barometr Praktyk Płatniczych

    • Polska
    • Rolnictwo,
    • Chemia/Farmacja,

    25 11 2020

    Despite a massive increase in overdue receivables due to the pandemic, Polish industry is largely upbeat about the outlook for 2021.

    Greece: companies cautious on credit but upbeat in 2021

    Barometr Praktyk Płatniczych

    • Grecja
    • Rolnictwo,
    • Chemia/Farmacja,

    25 11 2020

    COVID-19 and the following recession have had a significant impact on economies throughout the world. Greece was not the exception.

    Sweden: open for business and fairly confident

    Barometr Praktyk Płatniczych

    • Szwecja
    • Motoryzacja/Transport,
    • Chemia/Farmacja,

    25 11 2020

    Sweden has followed its own path during the COVID-19 pandemic and, although more people are working from home than before, the country has avoided the lockdowns seen elsewhere in Europe.