The Atradius Payment Practices Barometer is an annual survey of business-to-business (B2B) payment practices in markets across the world. These are the survey findings for Eastern Europe.
Procedury upadłościowe często są przewlekłe i uciążliwe, a w przypadku dłużnika zagranicznego mogą wiązać się z jeszcze większym stopniem złożoności. Przedstawiamy jak możemy usprawnić ten proces.
Economic disruptions from the war in Ukraine, lingering lockdown restrictions and multi-decade high inflation have generated a new set of adverse shocks for the global economy
The impact of the alarming surge of inflation on businesses, and the consequent need to protect cash flow and profitability, lies at the heart of our latest survey in the USMCA.
Days-Sales-Outstanding worsens (DSO) for one third of companies polled across all US industries. Payment default from B2B customers remains a major headache for companies.